D e b o r a h
K e r r
[ Monumental Deeds ]

The Deborah Kerr Fellowship League - A Foundation for the Performing Arts | Biographies | News and GOSSIP in B L O O M | MAKE 'EM LAUGH | Celebration of Life and Legacy | Catalog Page for the LIFE and TIMES of DEBORAH KERR | An Elegant Duchess Disrobes - But Remains the First Lady of Hollywood | Deborah Kerr - Monumental Deeds | Deborah Kerr - Comprehensive Turning Points | Deborah Kerr - Aspirations and Other Wonders | Curtain Call for DEBORAH KERR | Goodnight Sweet Friend - OBITUARIES of the Rich and Famous | Curtain Call for DEBORAH KERR | Praise for DEBORAH KERR | Unique Lives on FILM - Filmographies | Curtain Call for DEBORAH KERR | Deborah Kerr - MINUS THE ICICLES





Must read articles in this issue of SilverScreen - April, 1948 include:
1 - Warning to a Young Man in Love: by Diana Lynn
2 - Let's take Hollywood out of the Kitchen: by Bette Davis
3 - The Man I Married: by Deborah Kerr Bartley
4 - What Love Can Do: by Veronica Lake
5 - True Sothern Hospitality: by Ann Sothern
6 - Have You A Problem: by Irene Dunne
7 - Imported From Paris: by Louis Jourdan



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