The Deborah Kerr Curtain Call Playhouse
A Fellowship League Foundation
For the Performing Arts

Her Legend Her Life and Motion Picture Career
of the Woman all Women want to be - the charming
Deborah Kerr

The Deborah Kerr Fellowship League - A Foundation for the Performing Arts | Biographies | News and GOSSIP in B L O O M | MAKE 'EM LAUGH | Celebration of Life and Legacy | Catalog Page for the LIFE and TIMES of DEBORAH KERR | An Elegant Duchess Disrobes - But Remains the First Lady of Hollywood | Deborah Kerr - Monumental Deeds | Deborah Kerr - Comprehensive Turning Points | Deborah Kerr - Aspirations and Other Wonders | Curtain Call for DEBORAH KERR | Goodnight Sweet Friend - OBITUARIES of the Rich and Famous | Curtain Call for DEBORAH KERR | Praise for DEBORAH KERR | Unique Lives on FILM - Filmographies | Curtain Call for DEBORAH KERR | Deborah Kerr - MINUS THE ICICLES

Dedicated to to the work of Deborah Kerr  
and all the people, actors and technicians - producers,
directors - who helped Deborah make those wonderful films
we all loved to watch and identified with all
these years . . . .





Erhard the "Pack-Rat"

Article about Deborah Kerr in the English 1954 Publication Illustrated  titled:


My Fight To Be Human In  Hollywood


People are Talking about . . .

Bedazzling and Befuddling . . .

D e b o r a h Kerr



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 For Lovely  Deborah   Kerr   and her Industry


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